Introducing the VGMad news section, News Bytes.
This will be a collection of the weeks news stories, in an easy to consume byte size form factor. Perfect for those that don't have the time
to trawl the internets during the week.
See this weeks here.
Hopefully they are self explanatory once your eyes come across them. If you are unsure, the key to them are on the About page. See the Key Here
Many football management simulations were released on the Amiga, some were dire, others were average or
better. So how does USM fare? Read on as all is revealed.
On load up, you are presented with an average...
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I'm a great fan of games that are music based, mixed with on screen visuals, that don't involve playing plastic
Relishing the idea of pleasing my eyes with some trippy candy, I shove this on with a friend present. A friend
who finds it amazing that I can...
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Being somewhat of a fan of the TV series, I was looking forward to this game, even though I'm not very keen on
turn based games.
Heading into the game has you faced with a character creation process. Suddenly I remember...
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LocoCycle is about a motorcycle, IRIS, that has become self-aware due to a lightning strike hitting
her (Short Circuit anyone?).
While in for repairs by her mechanic Pablo, a TV advertisement grips her into awe, becoming her purpose. To
go across the country to get to the freedom race...
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On load up, you are greeted by a static screen with the games options. The only thing
not letting this title screen seem bland, is the lively music that urges you to get
stuck in.
Thankfully, even back in the old days...
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Encase you hadn't noticed, relaunch happened on Saturday just gone, only I didn't announce the fact anywhere. I'm hoping to have a minimum of one review done per week, and articles will be done at a spur of the moment type of thing. Please help the site and my enthusiasm, by sharing any page you enjoy reading, via social networks you partake in. The more visitors that come to read, the higher my interest in keeping VG Mad running. Thanks for coming.
For this to happen, the price really needs to reflect the lack of physical media, and its physical distribution methods.
As it stands, some distribution services charge more for digital games, than their physical counterparts. This is just plain...
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It's now become clear, the PS4 is going to urinate all over your grave. How can a powerful company get it so wrong? Oh yeah, you're focus is on the money, without a thought for the customers satisfaction. Tell me, are... (read more)