To celebrate Amiga's 30th anniversary this year, we have collected a few links for your consumption, all recent news, features, and creativity.
You just have to be in awe at this. Created by Craig Coope, using 33,640 beads, placed over 40 pegboards, and has a bead resolution of 232 x 145.
It measures in at over one metre along it's X axis. The two images here, show the masterpiece on Craig's wall, and one with the Amiga Tank Mouse placed
upon it to show its scale.
Craig has created a fair few bead arts, which can be found on his Instagram page.
Link Coope's Instagram
New Games
Not at all surprising, fans and enthusiasts keep the Amiga alive. So far three games have been released this year, and in the works is an
unofficial sequel for the Rick Dangerous Series.
Link RD - Other Levels
The Amiga Wars, is a multipart in-depth look at every thing Amiga, which is sure to give you information on some things you did not know about.
It's a fairly lengthy read, so get yourself a cuppa, kick back and immerse yourself.
Link The Amiga Wars